20 x 24 ins, acrylic & crushed egg shells on canvas. Completed Feb. 6. Expressing the intensity and challenge of weaving crunching jazz chords in "Anthropology" , "Blue Bossa", "Stolen Moments" on Thursdays with a Schubert piano duet on Mondays interspersed with a Schubert Violin Sonata accompaniment on Fridays ...and struggling to do this as peacefully as possible ...relatively, that is... McGill Conservatory and RECAA (Resource against Elder Abuse) experiences fuelled this work. SEE INTRO for Feb. 4.

Photo Comments
I love the red dress but don't agree with different color stockings!
Feb. 7, 2010  By: Moira
Grey Power indeed You are definitely showing us that Growing Old(er) is not for Sissies!
Feb. 6, 2010  By: Vad
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